Female Entrepreneurs and the Challenge of Fear [ Including the TOP 10 Tools to Co-Exist with Fear]
Say hello to our little friend:
(noun ) “An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.”
-Thanks Google!
Fear, again… A natural human instinct that keeps us from being eaten by tigers and jumping into fire. Luckily, we live in a world where we don’t have to worry about this. Instead, fires and tigers have been replaced with heartbreak and failure.
Heartbreak, rejection, perfection, anxiety, and failure.
AKA The new Fear. Lame.
So, how do we face the fact that our brains have substituted sheer survival for lame expectations impressed on women by society? Did you ever think that hiding in our metaphorical caves would keep us from chasing BIG dreams, finding MEANINGFUL love, and living our lives as our own?!
To put out that fire we are going to cover 3 different perspectives of the Wonder Women Mastery CEO’s (3 successful fempreneurs united in a cause of female empowerment). Maybe you can find a little bit of relief and a whole lot of courage by finding the idea that most resonates with you.
But First, What Happens When We Submit To Fear?
There are many outcomes of submitting to fear, such as self-preservation. This can comes from within, even stemming from our childhood. Think about that for a second.
What the hell are we protecting ourselves from? Failing? Pain? Rejection? HEARTBREAK? Pfft. Let’s begin to understand, and think on a whole new level. Are you ready to allow yourself to accept fear for what it is? The moment we do that – we experience GROWTH… and damn, THAT feels good.
When self doubt creeps in, this is no bueno. So, instead of avoiding the things that scare you: you can choose to deal with them head on – because life isn’t supposed to be comfortable. It’s also not avoiding that thing (or things) that scare you. That’s like slapping a band-aid on an open wound! That is a hard no, ladies. Have you heard the saying, “practice makes perfect”? Well, we don’t want you to be perfect but we want you to PRACTICE! Practice doing the things that make you uncomfortable. Practice making videos, giving speeches, or even taking pictures! Even practicing these little things can help you on the path to courage.
Confronting what you need to work on might feel vulnerable (at first), but just remember… You’ve got this. We are here to help you conquer your fears so that you can conquer life. Bringing you a sense of empowerment and accomplishment.
Strong Women Don’t Stay Down
So, what happens when we give into our fear-induced thoughts? We trip and fall, and instead of getting back up – we lay down and stay down? Matter of fact, Hell No!
Why? If we do that, we become stagnant. Whah, whah, whah! What kind of life is that? We simply want to plant the seeds in your beautiful and intelligent minds that FEAR is simply what YOU make of it.
“YOU control your feelings. YOU control your thoughts. YOU are the star of your own movie. “ – Wonder Women Mastery
The Fempreneur Perspective
Lynee Palacios believes in the theory that “fear is a state of mind”. Lynee is the CEO of VIAA, CoFounder of Wonder Women Mastery, and has created and sold multiple businesses successfully.
She believes that it is the product of our imagination; we only feel it if we believe it. She didn’t become this successful on her good looks and luck. She is a successful entrepreneur, businesswoman, and mother-to-be. She wasn’t always this way though, she learned to empower that little girl deep inside her soul through mindset work and self discovery.
Ahhh, self-growth at its finest, how refreshing!
“Remember, courage doesn’t happen without fear” – WW
Time to Use Fear for Fuel
For Lisa Hyde, USING Fear as Fuel helps propel us forward. She’s the CEO of The Confidence Crown, CoFounder of Wonder Women Mastery, & Podcast Host, Author, Millionaire Mentor & Skincare Guru. Lisa says, “F&#% Fear!”... And we think it’s safe to say we can all resonate with that.
Let’s listen to Lisa when she says, “We are not now, who we were when we were young.” The same things that scared us when we were children doesn’t have to scare us TODAY. How you use fear, is your choice. So, let’s turn it around and USE it to accomplish our dreams and goals.
Lisa used to be scared of public speaking – and now she gets PAID to do it! How did she do it? She JUST DID IT, despite the fear. She created a vision of what she wanted, wrote out her presentation, and kept repeating it and practicing it until it was her OWN. She didn’t let the fear control her ability to speak or to succeed. DID YOU KNOW: The feeling of fear is similar to excitement… our brains don’t know the difference between the adrenaline rush we are experiencing, so YOU have to take control. When she got up on that stage, instead of telling herself she was scared, she changed it to feeling EXCITED. She said, “I’m EXCITED to speak in front of all of these people.”
Just, Check her out now. *Flex*
She Went On Despite The Fear
Jessica Mejia-Fahnestock CEO of CoachCurator, CoFounder of Wonder Women Mastery, Business & Life Coach and Motivational Speaker. Her Courageous Life Theory, is based on the scientific evidence that fear has been pivotal to human evolution and survival. This theory is based on the concept that fear is caused by the “primitive brain” or the amygdala; “The collection of cells near the base of the brain. This is where EMOTIONS are given MEANING, remembered, attached to associations and RESPONSES to them.” – Healthline.com
Thoughts in today’s world of big love and big dreams come from a different place altogether; the prefrontal cortex. This is where reasoning, decision-making, and planning happen! It’s where you can MANAGE emotion and think of a logical response…yay for evolution! When it comes to fear in our world the prefrontal cortex gets to OVERRIDE our amygdala so we can respond in the most efficient way.
So, while we know it exists, we DO NOT have to invite it in. We don’t have to live with it. And we certainly don’t have to ask it’s opinion for every major decision in our lives!
“She Was Powerful, Not Because She Wasn’t Scared, But Because She Went On So Strongly Despite The Fear” – Harper Lee
The 5 Benefits Of Fear :
1. LEARNING – Facing fear allows us to learn more about ourselves, what we can handle and are capable of, and with that comes new skills.
2. STRENGTH – When we face fear head on and push through it. WE WIN. It creates belief, and there’s nothing quite as powerful as a woman who KNOWS she’s unstoppable.
3. RESILIENCE – Getting back up and trying again are priceless. Doing this gives us confidence, which leads to clarity. We can accomplish anything when we are focused and committed.
4. CONFIDENCE – Vulnerability leads to courage, where we face the fear of “not being enough”. Which is BS in the first place. Self-acceptance, which is the most beautiful form of confidence!
5. COURAGE – It’s a choice. As we said before, notice when fear comes knocking – acknowledge it – then look strongly ahead. YOU get to decide to stop creating and indulging in negative thoughts. If you’re feeling uncertain, that’s okay.
Have the courage to do it (whatever IT is) anyway!
We are Wonder Women after all. Time to use our superpowers.
10 Ways Fempreneurs Can Tackle Their Fears:
Below are different ways and resources female entrepreneurs can cultivate courage and resilience. Life will always offer us problems, but the competent and audacious fempreneur will always stay one step ahead. How do we know this? Because you’re here reading this article…equipping yourself.
Yes, on Earth and in society women and people should be equal (still working on that). But, it doesn’t mean we don’t each face the world with different perspectives. Meaning that, ambitious women solve the problems of entrepreneurship a bit differently than our male counterparts. While anyone can face these problems, here’s our take on how to keep our heads held high!
1. How to Tackle The Fear of Public Speaking
- Join A Public Speaking Community – For example, Toastmasters. No, this isn’t about breakfast. This club can help you become a more confident speaker, leader, and/or communicator. Having a safe environment to practice our techniques can help us be at ease while we strengthen our skills.
- Use the Power in Your Pocket: Go Live on social media more often – We love to see our members go live in the Membership. Doing helps them level up, especially when it comes to confidence and even business. This gives people the opportunity for interaction, and normalizing impromptu speaking. Bonus! It’s also more effective than creating a post for people to comment on.
Scared? That’s okay. Remember, use this fear as fuel.
- Joining a community or starting one of your own – When you join a community (such as the Wonder Women Mastery) you learn the basics in not only starting your business, but how to show up powerfully. Joining a community is the first step creating a supportive network to bounce ideas off of, practice your pitches, and get unlimited empowerment.
If you don’t have a network like this…why not? One of the first steps a female entrepreneur should take on her journey is creating her support system! Free of judgement!
Click Here to Join The Wonder Women Mastery Membership
2. Reject Negative Self Talk
- Create Self Awareness – Be AWARE of these damaging thoughts and know when to intervene with journaling or meditation. Replacing negative thoughts with nourishing ones, is KEY.
- This is easy! TALK BACK! Literally, when you have a negative train of thought, tell it to go away! Disrupt disrupt disrupt. When you say for example, an affirmation or incantation, out loud you are rewiring your brain.
- Create Affirmations: Try this one if you don’t already have a go to, “I will ONLY create positive and POWERFUL thoughts that move me forward, Nothing else exists!”
3. How to Defy Social Expectations
- It’s natural to want to be accepted or included, but don’t let this make you fall victim to perfectionism.
- Have the audacity to be ambitious – Do what you’re “not supposed to” or take the hard way if you feel that it’s right for you. Don’t live your life within the boundaries of someone else’s comfort zone.
- Dare to Be Different. When they want you to be quiet, get loud. When they don’t like what you have to say, get louder.
4. How to Fund The Dream
- Don’t forget you can start from nothing! Over 90% of new businesses get going without the help of a loan or a grant.
- Crowdfund – With the help of personal resources and investors you can accumulate money to help with the start of your business. (This takes major vulnerability! Time to be brave!)
- Angel Investors and Venture Capitalist – First, identify your own demographic, THEN, looks for individuals who support YOUR particular mission. Network Network Network. The more you connect, the more you spread your message, the easier it is for people like this to find you!
5. How To Be Taken Seriously
- Boundaries. HAVE THEM! It’s okay and actually recommended to say no. If you don’t wanna do something or be around someone. Don’t.
- Believe in your message & Don’t Stop. It will be the most commonly tested thing you encounter. For example,“So why are you doing this anyway?” “Because I believe in it”. Then end. We don’t owe ANYONE answers. Don’t show them with your words, show the world through your actions.
- Free Yourself From Judgement – Allow others to have thoughts, opinions that differ from yours, without letting it affect your reality.
6. How to own Your Accomplishments
- Be grateful! When we express gratitude for our own growth, we release dopamine and serotonin. Thus, rewarding ourselves for perseverance.
- Celebrate your wins – it’s one of the best gifts to give to yourself, because when we do this – it creates acknowledgement. The journey we’re on is REAL.
- Really highlight the hard work you put into your goals and your business. You deserve to give yourself credit where it’s due, and strengthen that belief in yourself.
7. How to Build Support Networks
- Take risks and get to know people outside of your current circle
- Practice making connections with people. This develops interpersonal skills which helps in EVERY aspect of your biz! From building your team to making the sale!
- Find your people – The kind of humans who share the same belief, vibes, cause etc… Like other like-minded women who are also fempreneurs and support the heck out of them! When you support other people, then reciprocation happens. You open yourself to the same thing!
Thank you Law of Attraction!
8. How to Balance Family Life
- Unplug, but finish reading this blog first! Then watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix, Which will have you unplugging in no time! From your laptop, your phone, anything that has to do with work or the internet. Learn to be present.
- Communicate, acknowledge, and PLAN time with your partner . This is so important, if you’re running a business – your partner, close friends, and family so it’s always great to empower your connection this way.
- AGAIN, do this with your FAMILY and CHILDREN. This helps particularly with mom guilt!
9. Coping With The ‘Fear of Failure’
- Write about it. Journal! When we write things down we understand things more clearly and can better decide a path for healing from there.
- Figure out where this fear is coming from. If you find the source of your fear, you can discover powerful ways to grow. You can do this through dream journaling, journaling, meditation, and therapy.
- Growing in your journey to self-acceptance will help you defy the expectations made by others. Allowing you to live more freely.
10. How to use Meditation and Visualization To Create Confidence
- Meditation can help connect with your innermost self. It can help you create and solidify a unique foundation of self respect which equals unprecedented growth!
- When you use visualization, it inspires and motivates you to actually do something about it. This gives you the clarity to take the action needed.
- Law of Attraction – When you open yourself to what you want, and you KNOW that you’re worthy of it, it’s more likely to come your way.
“My entire life people have called me lucky. They mistake that for resilience, hard work, and courage” – Co-Founder of Wonder Women Mastery
It’s time to level up YOUR Fempire! The Wonder Women Mastery membership is about ambitious women collectively chasing down their dreams while emphasizing the fact that we can’t lose sight of balance and well-being along the way.
We built this community to give you the support female entrepreneurs need to create sustainable and lasting success. Together, we face our fears and we will do that through friendship, support, encouragement, and empowerment.
Sure, we have strategies on business, social media, marketing, branding, and sales…but tactics without balance and support to pursue this endeavor is hopeless. NO thanks, burnout.
Still haven’t joined us?! CLICK HERE FOR RELENTLESS SUPPORT We can move through life despite the fear. Not only reaching our own versions of success, but being all the more courageous for it!
Together, We ARE The Fempire