Simply Together

We are so happy that your journey has led you to us! One of the most important things we love to back up is that you find your people! Get to creating your support network, foster healthy rewarding fempreneurships, that serve you AND your goals!


Wonder Women Mastery


Attend the very first in person
Mastermind in
Venice, CA Friday May 13, 2022

Apply here and see if you’d be a fit to join our exclusive Women’s only Mastermind.Level up in all key areas of life:
Business, Health, & Relationships


The Beginning

We were 3 women traveling for business when we came together over the need to provide more leadership and guidance to female entrepreneurs BY female entrepreneurs. We were DONE being hired by men to lead their groups of women when really, these women needed so much more than business strategy. Fempreneurs worldwide are building businesses and have so much more on their plate than the “how-to”. They are taking care of friends, family, and homes. Juggling schedules, making tiny humans, and rescuing fur babies! We clean our own homes, design our offices, change lives, create legacies, and still have to make sure we drink water and get dinner on the table before bedtime! We truly do it all and that’s how we coined “Wonder Women”. It was something we had all been called at some point or another. Sure, we love Gal Gadot, but there’s nothing quite like a woman who has her sh*t together knocking goals down one by one and holding the door open for the women behind her and it’s a bonus if the work-life balance is in tow!

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Introducing Our 3 Pillars

We talked about work-life balance, but what in the actual F does that mean?! Over dinner, we discussed our lives, our dreams, and what always needed nourishment to keep us afloat. Here’s what we decided on:

BUSINESS: Because of course, we need to make sure we are taking action towards our calling, fulfillment, and purpose. Sharing with the world what we’re good at and most importantly, how to do that! From niching down to launching regularly. From scrappy budgets to 7 figures we provide an in-depth blueprint on the HOW.

HEALTH: Because let’s face it, without YOU there is no DREAM. Your heart needs to beat, your muscles need to move, your body needs nourishment in order to get there. From Jess’s 100lb weight loss journey to Lynee’s registered dietician past, and Lisa’s expert guide to aging backward… we got you, queens. Mentally and physically, and both matter, because you matter.

RELATIONSHIPS: We cover it all queens. From the relationship within to the one with your partner. From creating your network of female badasses, to how to communicate effectively with your support system. From networking to building the team of your dreams, we realize it’s all part of the journey.


Access a team of three experts, female coaches, who are entirely devoted to ensuring YOUR health, happiness, and business success.

Jessica, Lisa, and Lynee have built this VIP to make YOUR dreams happen,

because they KNOW how much power there is when women come together to support other powerful women.


More of the confidence and resiliency you need to improve your discipline, grow your passions into income, nurture your body, and create relationships that will not only fulfill you but will take you to the next level in your life.


Maybe in the past, you ignored the things you WANT, because “wanting” more is selfish.


It’s time to UNLEARN that thinking.


If you find yourself wanting more, that’s a sign that you are MEANT for more.

We can try!

I know we’ve all been heads down with our own business!

Would you like more information on future mastermind dates and locations

“Don’t Raise Your Hand At All Unless You’ve Extended It First”

-Wonder Women

Our Blog

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